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About Tasmania Attraction
" Tasmania's attractions and sights enchant visitors with stunning landscapes like Cradle Mountain, Wineglass Bay, and the rugged coast of Bruny Island. Explore convict history at Port Arthur, witness unique wildlife, visit the vibrant Museum of Old and New Art (MONA), and indulge in the charm of Hobart's Salamanca Market. "
Regions in Tasmania
Nightlife Location Map
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Major Cities in Tasmania
Hobart offers a rich tapestry of attractions and sights. Explore the iconic Salamanca Market, visit the historic Battery Point, or marvel at the stunning views from the summit of Mount Wellington. Discover the intriguing exhibits at the Museum of Old and New Art (MONA), wander through the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens, or take a stroll along the picturesque waterfront at Constitution Dock.
Regions in Tasmania
TravelXchange Featured Attractions
Featured Attraction
Port Arthur, Tasmania, Australia
Listings & Awards Tasmania
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