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Hobart CBD

Australia > Tasmania > Hobart
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About Hobart CBD Nightlife - Pubs, Clubs & Bars
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Hobart CBD Fast Facts
- Total Venues : 5
Hobart CBD Map
Nightlife Location Map
Venues in Hobart CBD
25 Hunter Street, Hobart, Tasmania
2a Salamanca Place, Hobart, Tasmania
At Mary Mary in historic Salamanca Place, Hobart, enjoy a vibrant social atmosphere accompanied by refreshing drinks. This trendy establishment offers a diverse selection of cocktails, wines, and craft beers to suit every taste. Relax in the cozy ambiance indoors or soak up the bustling energy on the outdoor terrace. Whether meeting friends or mingling with locals, Mary Mary provides the perfect setting for socializing in Hobart.
Elizabeth Street Pier, Hobart, Tasmania
19 Morrison Street, Hobart, Tasmania
Brooke Street Pier, Hobart, Tasmania
TravelXchange Featured Pubs
Featured Nightlife
Featured Nightlife
Featured Nightlife
At Mary Mary in historic Salamanca Place, Hobart, enjoy a vibrant social atmosphere accompanied by refreshing drinks. This trendy establishment offers a diverse selection of cocktails, wines, and craft beers to suit every taste. Relax in the cozy ambiance indoors or soak up the bustling energy on the outdoor terrace. Whether meeting friends or mingling with locals, Mary Mary provides the perfect setting for socializing in Hobart.
Listings & Awards Hobart CBD
Everybody loves a good list. Checkout our lists of the best that the World has to offer collected from industry experts, travel professtionals and magazine publications. Our lists also include collections of award recipiants from global events to local regional presentations.
Whats Happening in Hobart CBD
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