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Limestone Coast

Australia > South Australia
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About Limestone Coast Nightlife - Pubs, Club & Bars
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Nightlife - Pubs, Club & Bars in Limestone Coast
Nightlife - Pubs, Club & Bars Location Map
Areas in Limestone Coast
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TravelXchange Featured Pubs
Featured Nightlife
The Caledonian Inn in Robe, South Australia's southeast, offers charming facilities in a historic setting. Established in 1858, it combines traditional hospitality with modern comfort. Visitors can enjoy the cozy pub atmosphere, dine in the restaurant, and relax in well-appointed rooms. With its central location in the coastal town of Robe, the Caledonian Inn provides a welcoming haven for those exploring the beauty of South Australia's southeast.
Featured Nightlife
Featured Nightlife
Listings & Awards Limestone Coast
Everybody loves a good list. Checkout our lists of the best that the World has to offer collected from industry experts, travel professtionals and magazine publications. Our lists also include collections of award recipiants from global events to local regional presentations.
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