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Clare Valley

Australia > South Australia
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About Clare Valley Nightlife - Pubs, Club & Bars
" South Australia's Clare Valley, encompassing towns like Burra, Seven Hills, and Watervale, offers a unique nightlife experience. Explore historic pubs in Burra, known for their character and local charm. Enjoy the hospitality of intimate bars in Seven Hills, while Watervale complements its winery offerings with relaxed evening settings. The Clare Valley's nightlife provides a blend of regional warmth, cultural richness, and the chance to savor local beverages in picturesque surroundings. "
Nightlife - Pubs, Club & Bars in Clare Valley
Nightlife - Pubs, Club & Bars Location Map
Areas in Clare Valley
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TravelXchange Featured Pubs
Featured Nightlife
Featured Nightlife
Featured Nightlife
Nestled in the heart of the Clare Valley, the Rising Sun Hotel in Auburn combines historic charm with modern comfort. This country pub offers cozy accommodation, a welcoming restaurant serving local produce, and a well-stocked bar featuring regional wines. With its friendly ambiance and proximity to Clare Valley's renowned wineries, the Rising Sun Hotel provides an inviting retreat for those exploring the picturesque landscapes and acclaimed vineyards of the region.
Listings & Awards Clare Valley
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