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Australia > New South Wales
About Sydney Attractions
" Sydney, the vibrant city on Australia's east coast, offers a plethora of attractions and sights. Marvel at the iconic Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge, relax on the famous Bondi Beach, and explore the historic Rocks precinct. Visit the Royal Botanic Garden, take a ferry to Taronga Zoo, and enjoy panoramic views from the Sydney Tower Eye. Don't forget to explore the trendy neighborhoods of Newtown and Surry Hills for their eclectic cafes, bars, and boutiques. "
Sydney is a major world tourist destination due in large part to its array of world class attractions, activities and events. Many of the major attractions in Sydney lie in, on and around its magnificent harbour. Its two most symbolic emblems sit on the harbour within a short distance of the Central Business District. The Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House are not only icons of Sydney but of Australia.

Also around the harbour you will find Sydney’s Luna Park, the world renown Taronga Zoo and the Sydney Botanic Gardens. Then there are Sydney’s famous beaches with the 2 most famous being Bondi and Manly. Part of the attraction of Manly is just getting there on one the Manly Ferry which leaves from Circular Quay.

The Sydney City Centre is not only the hub for business and administration but also the cultural and artistic centre. There are numerous theatres where you can see some of the most recognised musical and theatrical productions performed. There is also the Art Gallery of NSW and the Australian Museum.

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The Iconic Sydney Opera House is the crown in Sydney’s City Centre attractions that include a number of significant museums and galleries, well recognised landmark buildings and the botanic gardens & surrounding parks.
Darling Harbour is itself a major Sydney attraction. The recreational and entertainment area on the western side of the Sydney CBD encompasses a vast array of major attractions including a casino, convention centre & entertainment centre.
Sydney’s historic centre, The Rocks is, in itself a major tourist attraction, boasting some great museums, historic buildings & the Harbour Bridge. It’s location on circular quay provides added attractions & is the centre of maritime activities.
Sydney’s Inner Southern suburbs contain some of the city’s most iconic & recognisable sporting & entertainment venues. The area around Centennial Park is home to the Sydney Cricket Ground & Allianz Stadium as well as showground & theatres.
TravelXchange Featured Attractions
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The Australian National Maritime Museum is the premier museum of its type in Australia providing a broad range of exhibitions and collections. The Museum also has a large range of historical floating vessels that can be boarded and inspected.
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