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Riversdale Hotel

Cnr Riversdale Road & Auburn Road, Hawthorn, Victoria, 3122
About Riversdale Hotel
" The iconic 3 storey Riversdale Hotel in Hawthorn was built in 1888 & is an example of a classic Melbourne locals watering hole. It provides a range of areas including lounge bar, sports bar with full TAB facilities & a huge bistro. "
Trading Times
Mon - 9am to 5am
Tue - 9am to 5am
Wed - 9am to 5am
Thu - 9am to 5am
Fri - 9am to 5am
Sat - 9am to 5am
Sun - 10am to 5am
Venue Facilities
Bar Meals
Bottle Shop / Cellars
Sports Bar
Lounge Bar
Gaming Machines
Other Services
Happy Hours
Riversdale Hotel Location
Nightlife Location Map
Venues Links
Social Media Links
Whats Happening at Riversdale Hotel
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