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The Fox Hotel

351 Wellington Street, Collingwood, Victoria, 3066
About The Fox Hotel
" The Fox Hotel, situated in Collingwood, Melbourne, is a dynamic venue renowned for its eclectic atmosphere and vibrant entertainment. Offering a mix of live music, delicious food, and craft beverages, it's a hub for locals and visitors seeking a lively and welcoming space. With its cozy interior and bustling beer garden, The Fox Hotel is a go-to destination for casual gatherings and memorable nights out. "
Fast Facts
- Year Opened - 2007
- Venue Category : Suburban Pub
Trading Times
Mon - 3pm to midnight
Tue - 3pm to midnight
Wed - 3pm to midnight
Thu - 3pm to midnight
Fri - midday to 1am
Sat - midday to 1am
Sun - midday to 1am
Awards & Recognition:
Venue Facilities
Bar Meals
Function Room(s)
Rooftop Bar
Live Music
Resident DJ's
Other Services
Happy Hours
The Fox Hotel Location
Nightlife Location Map
Venues Links
Social Media Links
Whats Happening at The Fox Hotel
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