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Cardinia Park Hotel Bistro

200 Beaconsfield Emerald Road, Beaconsfield, Victoria, 3807
About Cardinia Park Hotel Bistro
" Comments for this venue coming very soon. "
Fast Facts
- Year Opened - 1870
- Cuisine :
Lunch Times
Mon - midday to 2:30pm
Tue - midday to 2:30pm
Wed - midday to 2:30pm
Thu - midday to 2:30pm
Fri - midday to 2:30pm
Sat - midday to 5pm
Sun - midday to 5pm
Dinner Times
Mon - 6pm to 8:30pm
Tue - 6pm to 8:30pm
Wed - 6pm to 8:30pm
Thu - 6pm to 8:30pm
Fri - 6pm to 8:30pm
Sat - 5pm to 8:30pm
Sun - 5pm to 8:30pm
Dining Location Map
Venues Links
Nightlife Link
Cardinia Park Hotel
The Cardinia Park Hotel is an award winning pub that is located in the township of Beaconsfield just southeast of Melbourne. The pub has existed in many guises since 1870 evolving into a wonderful multi facet venue with numerous areas to enjoy a drink.
Social Media Links
Whats Happening at Cardinia Park Hotel Bistro
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