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About Japan General Information
" Japan is a captivating journey into a land where ancient traditions harmonize with modernity. Travelers are drawn to the country's cultural gems like Kyoto's temples and Tokyo's neon-lit streets. The stunning natural beauty includes cherry blossoms in spring, snowy landscapes in winter, and serene hot springs year-round. Japan's hospitality, culinary delights, and efficient transportation systems make it a must-visit destination. "
Japan Fast Facts
- Capital City : Tokyo
- Largest City : Tokyo
- Population : 126.8 million
- Currency : Yen
- Languages : Japanese
Japan is a captivating destination that seamlessly blends ancient traditions with modern innovation, offering tourists a unique and diverse experience. Renowned for its rich cultural heritage, Japan boasts iconic landmarks such as Kyoto's historic temples, Tokyo's futuristic skyline, and the serene beauty of Mount Fuji. Cherry blossoms in spring and vibrant autumn foliage add a breathtaking natural spectacle to the landscape.
Culinary enthusiasts are drawn to Japan for its world-class cuisine, including sushi, ramen, and traditional kaiseki meals. The country's meticulous attention to detail is evident in its hospitality, with a wide range of accommodations, from traditional ryokans to high-tech hotels.
Japan's efficient and punctual transportation system, including the renowned Shinkansen (bullet train), makes exploring the country seamless. Visitors can indulge in diverse activities, from soaking in hot springs in Hakone to participating in traditional tea ceremonies and experiencing the vibrant pop culture in districts like Akihabara.
Beyond urban centers, rural areas offer a glimpse into traditional Japanese life, with picturesque landscapes and historic villages. Islands like Okinawa provide a tropical escape with unique cultural influences.
Japan's commitment to innovation is showcased in its interactive museums, cutting-edge technology, and themed entertainment parks. Whether seeking cultural immersion, natural beauty, or technological wonders, Japan offers a multifaceted tourism experience that leaves a lasting impression on visitors.

Japan location, climate & geography
Japan is an archipelago located in East Asia, situated in the Pacific Ocean. It consists of four main islands—Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, and Shikoku—and numerous smaller islands. Its strategic location off the eastern coast of the Asian continent has greatly influenced its history, culture, and interactions with neighboring countries.
Japan's climate varies from subarctic in the north to subtropical in the south, largely influenced by the surrounding oceans and the mountainous terrain. The country experiences four distinct seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Spring is famous for cherry blossoms, while autumn showcases vibrant foliage.
Geographically, Japan is characterized by mountainous terrain, with approximately 73% of its land covered by mountains. The Japanese Alps, running down the center of the main island of Honshu, are a prominent feature. These mountains contribute to the country's scenic landscapes but also pose challenges for settlement and agriculture. Japan is prone to earthquakes and volcanic activity due to its location along the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area with a high degree of tectonic activity.
Despite its relatively small land area, Japan is densely populated and known for its efficient land use. The combination of its unique geography, climate, and cultural heritage has shaped Japan into a country with a rich tapestry of traditions, a strong connection to nature, and a resilient and innovative society

10 things to know when travelling to the Japan
1. Cultural Etiquette: Respect for customs and traditions is essential. Bowing is a common form of greeting, and it's polite to say "arigatou gozaimasu" (thank you) for services.
2. Footwear Etiquette: Remove your shoes when entering someone's home, traditional inns (ryokan), and some traditional restaurants. Slippers may be provided, and there are often separate indoor shoes for restrooms.
3. Public Transportation: Japan has an efficient and punctual public transportation system, including trains and buses. Consider purchasing a Japan Rail Pass for cost-effective travel across the country.
4. Cash is King: While credit cards are becoming more widely accepted, especially in urban areas, having cash on hand is advisable, as some places, particularly in rural areas, may not accept cards.
5. Language Barrier: English may not be widely spoken outside major cities and tourist areas. It's helpful to learn a few basic Japanese phrases or use translation apps to facilitate communication.
6. Trash Disposal: Public trash bins are rare in Japan. Carry a small bag for your trash and dispose of it properly. Recycling is taken seriously, so separate your recyclables.
7. Tipping is Uncommon: Tipping is not a common practice in Japan and can even be considered rude. Exceptional service is already included in the overall cost.
8. Quiet and Orderly Atmosphere: Japan values quietness in public spaces. Keep conversations at a low volume, especially on public transportation.
9. Safety and Cleanliness: Japan is known for its safety and cleanliness. Follow local rules, and be aware that crime rates are relatively low.
10. Technology and Innovation: Japan is at the forefront of technology. Embrace the country's innovative side but be respectful of others' privacy, especially when taking photos.
Remember to research and plan your trip in advance to make the most of your time in Japan and ensure a smooth and enjoyable travel experience.

Last update January 2024

Areas in Japan
Country Map
Major Cities in Japan
Kyoto, Japan's cultural gem, enchants visitors with its historic temples, traditional tea houses, and serene gardens. As the former imperial capital, it showcases Japan's rich heritage and offers a glimpse into its past. From the iconic Fushimi Inari Shrine to the peaceful Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, Kyoto's blend of ancient and modern attractions makes it a captivating destination for travelers seeking cultural immersion.
Nagoya, Japan's fourth-largest city, boasts a unique blend of modernity and tradition. Visitors can explore cultural landmarks like Nagoya Castle and the Atsuta Shrine, shop in bustling markets, and indulge in the city's renowned cuisine, including hitsumabushi (grilled eel) and miso katsu (deep-fried pork cutlet). Nagoya's central location makes it an ideal hub for exploring the surrounding regions.
Osaka, Japan's third-largest city, is a captivating blend of modernity and tradition. Renowned for its culinary scene, vibrant street life, and historic sites like Osaka Castle, it offers a unique cultural experience. Visitors can explore the bustling Dotonbori entertainment district, serene temples, and enjoy world-class shopping. With its warm locals and dynamic atmosphere, Osaka is an enchanting destination for travelers seeking an authentic Japanese adventure.
Sapporo, Japan's vibrant northern city, offers a blend of urban excitement and natural beauty. Known for its annual Snow Festival, visitors flock to admire elaborate ice sculptures. The city boasts a dynamic culinary scene, featuring delicious local specialties such as Sapporo ramen and fresh seafood. With its lively festivals, thriving arts scene, and proximity to stunning landscapes, Sapporo captivates travelers year-round.
Tokyo, Japan's bustling capital, is a vibrant hub of culture, technology, and tradition. Visitors can immerse themselves in the city's rich history by exploring ancient temples and shrines, while also experiencing modern marvels like skyscrapers and futuristic technology. Tokyo offers a diverse range of attractions, from world-class shopping districts and entertainment venues to serene gardens and delicious culinary experiences.
States in Japan
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