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Australia > Western Australia > Kimberley > Kununarra & East Kimberly
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About Kununurra - Precinct
" Kununurra, located in Western Australia’s East Kimberley region, is a vibrant town known for its stunning natural attractions and rich Indigenous culture. Key highlights include Lake Argyle, Mirima National Park, and the Ord River. Visitors can enjoy outdoor adventures such as hiking, boating, and exploring local art galleries. With its beautiful landscapes and welcoming community, Kununurra offers a unique gateway to the rugged Kimberley. "
Awards & Recognition:
The Kimberley, situated in the far northwest of Western Australia, is one of the country’s most spectacular and remote regions. Covering an area almost twice the size of Victoria, the Kimberley is renowned for its dramatic landscapes, rich Indigenous culture, and diverse wildlife. This untamed wilderness offers a unique and unforgettable travel experience for those seeking adventure and natural beauty.
One of the Kimberley’s most iconic attractions is Purnululu National Park, home to the remarkable Bungle Bungles. These beehive-shaped sandstone formations, with their striking orange and black stripes, offer breathtaking scenery and excellent hiking opportunities. The Cathedral Gorge and Echidna Chasm are must-see spots within the park, showcasing the area’s stunning geological features.
The Gibb River Road, a legendary outback track, provides access to some of the Kimberley’s most remote and beautiful gorges, waterfalls, and cattle stations. This rugged journey requires a 4WD vehicle but rewards travelers with spectacular sites such as Windjana Gorge, Tunnel Creek, and El Questro Wilderness Park. Each destination along the Gibb River Road offers unique opportunities for hiking, swimming, and wildlife spotting.
The Kimberley coast is equally captivating, with pristine beaches, turquoise waters, and abundant marine life. The Dampier Peninsula is a highlight, offering secluded beaches, Indigenous cultural tours, and stunning coastal scenery. Horizontal Falls, a natural phenomenon where tidal movements create horizontal waterfalls, is another must-visit attraction accessible by boat or seaplane.
Lake Argyle, one of the largest man-made lakes in the Southern Hemisphere, provides a picturesque setting for boating, fishing, and wildlife watching. The lake’s serene waters are home to freshwater crocodiles, bird species, and beautiful sunsets.
The Kimberley is rich in Indigenous heritage, with numerous cultural sites and rock art dating back thousands of years. Local Indigenous tours provide insights into the traditional landowners' history, culture, and connection to the land, offering a deeper understanding of the region’s heritage.
With its combination of dramatic landscapes, rich cultural history, and endless opportunities for outdoor adventure, the Kimberley is a destination like no other. Whether exploring the striking Bungle Bungles, navigating the rugged Gibb River Road, or discovering the pristine coastal beauty, visitors to the Kimberley will experience a journey of discovery and wonder in one of Australia’s most remote and beautiful regions.

Last update June 2024

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