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South Coast

Australia > South Australia > Kangaroo Island
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About South Coast Accommodation
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Accommodation in South Coast
Hanson Bay Road, Kangaroo Island, South Australia
The rebuilt Southern Ocean Lodge on Kangaroo Island is a beacon of modern luxury. It showcases stunning architecture, eco-friendly design, and sweeping views of the wild coastline. This remarkable lodge offers unparalleled accommodations, emphasizing sustainability and exceptional comfort. Experience the beauty of Kangaroo Island while indulging in world-class amenities and immersive nature encounters.
TravelXchange Featured Properties
Featured Acommodation
The rebuilt Southern Ocean Lodge on Kangaroo Island is a beacon of modern luxury. It showcases stunning architecture, eco-friendly design, and sweeping views of the wild coastline. This remarkable lodge offers unparalleled accommodations, emphasizing sustainability and exceptional comfort. Experience the beauty of Kangaroo Island while indulging in world-class amenities and immersive nature encounters.
Listings & Awards South Coast
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