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Cape Melville & Lizard Island

Australia > Queensland > Tropical Far North
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About Cape Melville & Lizard Island Accommodation
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Accommodation in Cape Melville & Lizard Island
Via Cairns, Lizard Island, Queensland
Lizard Island Resort, nestled in Queensland's Great Barrier Reef, offers luxury accommodation amidst pristine natural beauty. Accessible only by private charter, the resort provides an exclusive retreat with secluded beaches, world-class diving, and indulgent amenities. With gourmet dining and breathtaking views, Lizard Island Resort is a haven for discerning travelers seeking an unforgettable escape in one of Australia's most iconic destinations.
TravelXchange Featured Properties
Featured Acommodation
Lizard Island Resort, nestled in Queensland's Great Barrier Reef, offers luxury accommodation amidst pristine natural beauty. Accessible only by private charter, the resort provides an exclusive retreat with secluded beaches, world-class diving, and indulgent amenities. With gourmet dining and breathtaking views, Lizard Island Resort is a haven for discerning travelers seeking an unforgettable escape in one of Australia's most iconic destinations.
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