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About Galicia General Information
" Nestled in the northwestern corner of Spain, Galicia is a hidden gem brimming with lush landscapes, rugged coastlines, and a rich cultural tapestry. Known for its mystical mist-cloaked mountains and the centuries-old pilgrimage route, the Camino de Santiago, Galicia captivates with its unique blend of natural beauty and historical charm. Choose from exploring the vibrant city of Santiago de Compostela, relishing fresh seafood in quaint seaside villages, or tracing the coastline on the stunning Rķas Baixas, Galicia promises unforgettable experiences. "
Galicia Fast Facts
- Capital City : Santiago de Compostela
- Largest City : A Coruria
- Population : 2.8 million
- Time Zone : Central European Time (GMT +1)
Regions in Galicia
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