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Maybe Mae

15 Peel Street, Adelaide, South Australia, 5000
About Maybe Mae
" Maybe Mae Bar in Adelaide is a hidden gem tucked away beneath Peel Street. With its intimate and speakeasy-inspired ambiance, this stylish bar offers expertly crafted cocktails and a curated selection of spirits. Enjoy the warm and inviting atmosphere while savoring the artistry of their mixologists. "
Fast Facts
- Venue Category : Cocktail Bar
- Located in - West End / Hindley Street
Trading Times
Mon - 5pm to 2am
Tue - 5pm to 2am
Wed - 5pm to 2am
Thu - 5pm to 2am
Fri - 5pm to 2am
Sat - 5pm to 2am
Sun - 5pm to 2am
Awards & Recognition:
Maybe Mae Bar in Adelaide is a hidden treasure that transports guests to the glamorous era of speakeasies. Nestled beneath Peel Street, this stylish and sophisticated bar exudes an air of mystery and allure. As you descend the staircase and enter its dimly lit space, you are immediately enveloped in a warm and intimate atmosphere. The bar's retro-inspired decor, featuring plush velvet seating, vintage furnishings, and a beautifully stocked back bar, adds to its charm. Maybe Mae is renowned for its expertly crafted cocktails, showcasing the skill and creativity of their talented mixologists. From classic concoctions to innovative creations, each drink is meticulously prepared using premium spirits and fresh ingredients. The bartenders are passionate and knowledgeable, happy to guide you through their extensive menu or even create a bespoke cocktail to suit your tastes. Whether you're seeking a romantic date night spot, a place to unwind with friends, or simply a memorable drinking experience, Maybe Mae Bar promises an enchanting and memorable time in the heart of Adelaide

Cocktail List
Cocktail List link here

Last update July 2023

Venue Facilities
Cocktail Bar
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