About Nightlife in Nevada
The Nevada Region has a total of 33 Pubs, Clubs and Bars listed on the Travel Xchanage web site.
Nevada Nightlife X Factor
Nine Fine Irishmen
Nine Fine Irishmen
Las Vegas, Nevada
Pubs, Clubs & Bars
The ultimate in Irish Bars, Nine Fine Irishmen at the New York New York Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas is a multi-level venue, boasting an ornate Victorian style bar, 2 levels or outdoor patio’s and a large array of the finest stouts, ales and more.
Area Map
Top 3 Nevada Venues
Score: 84.0
LAX Nightclub Las Vegas, Nevada
Score: 82.0
House of Blues Las Vegas Las Vegas, Nevada
Score: 78.0
Coyote Ugly - Las Vegas Las Vegas, Nevada
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Recent Updates
Updated: 1/05/2013
Las Vegas, Nevada

Updated: 1/05/2013
Las Vegas, Nevada