Collingwood & Fitzroy Nightlife
The Collingwood & Fitzroy Region has a total of 46 venues listed on the TravelXchanage web site.
Melbourne’s inner city suburbs are renowned for their hotel, pub and bar culture. The suburbs of Fitzroy and Collingwood are fine examples of this providing numerous watering holes catering for a variety of tastes and desires.

The largest congestion of venues lies on and around the bustling and hectic Bruswick Street where you have no trouble finding a cocktail, craft beer or nightclub to suit. The area is renowned for its bohemian and often alternative culture which makes it the perfect centre for the Melbourne Fringe Festival.

Other streets in the area where you will find groups of nightlife venues include Smith Street & Wellington Street, both of which are parallel to Brunswick street and in all cases most of the activity lies towards the city end.

Collingwood & Fitzroy Nightlife X Factor
Builders Arms Hotel
Builders Arms Hotel
Fitzroy, Victoria
Pubs, Clubs & Bars
The Builders Arms Hotel in Fitzroy offers a vibrant nightlife and social haven. With its lively atmosphere, it's a hub for locals and visitors alike. The hotel's inviting spaces, including a bustling bar and cozy dining areas, create the perfect setting for enjoying drinks in the company of friends, making it a go-to spot for a memorable night more.
Area Map
Top 3 Rated Venues
Score: 85.0
Baden Powell Hotel Collingwood, Victoria
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Updated: 14/02/2018
Collingwood, Victoria