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Australia > South Australia > Adelaide Hills
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About Hahndorf Attractions
" Hahndorf, Australia's oldest surviving German settlement, offers a charming blend of history and culture. Visitors can explore the historic main street with its timbered houses, boutiques, and artisanal shops. Don't miss the Hahndorf Academy, featuring local arts and crafts, or the Beerenberg Farm for delicious homemade preserves. The Hahndorf Farm Barn is perfect for family fun, while the German Migration Museum showcases the town's fascinating heritage. "
Some of the many major attractions in Hahndorf include Hahndorf Farm Barn

Attractions in Hahndorf
Attraction Location Map
2282 Mount Barker Road, Hahndorf, South Australia
11 Mount Barker Rd, Hahndorf, South Australia
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Listings & Awards Hahndorf
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Whats Happening in Hahndorf